Sindie R4: Low single digit ppm sulfur analysis with ASTM D7039
Advances in detector and optic technology in Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive XRF (MWDXRF) now permit precise quantification of sulfur at or near 1ppm, previously a domain of more complex combustion by UVF technology. By utilizing advanced detectors, along with enhanced optics and power supplies, the scope of ASTM D7039 can be reduced from 3.2 ppm to ~1ppm, allowing the petroleum industry to more easily certify gasoline and diesel fuels at lower levels than before with ASTM D7039. This presentation will demonstrate these technological advances with data from an ASTM Ruggedness Study. It will also walk through the procedure of updating ASTM D7039 to lower the scope by means of a robust process that includes: an Interlaboratory Study (ILS), updates to the method language, and a thorough industry review.