The Multiple Benefits of GC-MS with Cold EI - The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts
Monday, March 3, 2025 10:10 AM to 10:30 AM · 20 min. (America/New_York)
Room 205B
Instrumentation & Nanoscience
GC-MS with Cold EI is based on interfacing GC and MS with supersonic molecular beams (SMB) along with electron ionization of vibrationally cold sample compounds in SMB in a fly-through ion source (hence the name Cold EI). In Cold EI the high column flow rates (1-32 ml/min programmable) enable up to 150ºC lower sample compounds elution temperatures from the injector liner into the column and from the column while intra-ion-source degradation is fully eliminated in the fly-through ion source for achieving significantly extended range of compounds amenable for analysis. Cold EI improves all the central GC-MS performance aspects including the provision of:
1. Significantly extended range of compounds amenable for analysis.
2. Enhanced molecular ions and high-mass structurally-informative fragment ions.
3. The only soft ionization method that is fully compatible with NIST library identification.
4. Uniform response for improved quantification and provision of chemical reaction yields.
5. The same ion source provides Classical EI, Cold EI and low eV Soft Cold EI mass spectra with method-based mode changing.
6. Best provision of elemental formula with the TAMI software by providing enhanced molecular ions for greater range of compounds.
7. Much faster analysis is enabled.
8. Column flow programming is provided without affecting sensitivity.
9. Improved sensitivity particularly for difficult to analyze compounds.
10. Elimination of ion source related peak tailing and degradation.
11. Improved selectivity and thus reduced matrix interference on the molecular ions.
12. Having the best compatibility of working with hydrogen and or nitrogen. The same ion source and column can work well with helium, hydrogen and nitrogen with method-based mode changing.
13. Better linearity, measurement dynamic range and reproducibility at low levels.
14. Robust ion source that rarely needs cleaning.
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