Exploring Fast and Robust Analysis of Cationic and Anionic Pesticides by LC-MS/MS

Exploring Fast and Robust Analysis of Cationic and Anionic Pesticides by LC-MS/MS

Monday, February 26, 2024 11:00 AM to 11:20 AM · 20 min. (America/Vancouver)
Room 30B
Environment & Energy


Analysis of polar pesticides presents multiple challenges including inadequate retention, separation of critical pairs, and reproducibility, to name a few. In addition, food matrices can add additional challenges due to the presence of complex matrix components including pigments, fats, and sugars that can interfere with the analyte of interest. Historically, these methods are not user friendly, and lack reproducibility necessary for a commercial application. In this study, we are presenting a unique methodologies to analyze cationic and anionic pesticides on a single column. Speed of analysis and robustness of the methodology across various food matrices were evaluated. In addition, two independent equilibrium studies were performed which demonstrated fast equilibration and robustness of the methodology. In addition to providing optimal separation, the column presented versatility while switching between multiple modes.
Day of Week
Session or Presentation
Session Number
Food Safety
Liquid Chromatography/LCMS
Primary Focus

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